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måndag 14 februari 2011

Happy valentines day ♥

Sonja, Amanda, Sanna and Caroline came to my place today. 
I got some late christmas presents and valentine gifts. ♥

渡り廊下走り隊 - バレンタイン・キッス 

 Happy Valentines day Everyone 

My life is so up and down right now. I'm at the age when I should be enjoing my life, meet my friends, travel, dance and just have fun. But no, I can't beacause i'm not strong enoungh to fight against that "person" inside of me who obviously want's to see me dead. I need some self confidence and accept that I can't be the skinniest, the prettiest, the person with the best grades and so on all the time. I need to accept that I can't be perfect, but that's the problem, I can't.

1 kommentar:

  1. (omg that song...!
    teeheee )

    Through my eyes you're adorable, and I can promise you I'm honest when tell you that.
    Perfection isn't based on your looks or the things you do, it's based on who you are. So yes, I think you're perfect!

    Ok so I know the things I tell you may sound like pointless cheering, but as I told you before, I really want to do everything I can to help you. So if you ever need me, I'm right beside you!
    I believe, no, I KNOW that you're strong enough to get through this. I love you Haley <3

    (and sorry for way long comment. ehe.)
